페이스북 인스타그램 유튜브 검색 버튼

International Exchange


1. Introduction of exchange student system

What is the exchange student program?

- A program in which you study at an overseas university with which you have an exchange agreement and receive credit
- Credits earned at the other university are recognized and included in the graduation credits.

Eligibility to apply

Students who satisfy all three conditions below
- Students who have acquired more than 35 credits
- Students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher (at the time of application)
- Students who have not been disciplined by school regulations (except for academic warnings)
- Students who meet the language requirements of the other school

※ Language requirements for English classes taking colleges (changes available, also one can apply)

Country Name of Dispatch University Admission Dispatch TOEFL IELTS TOEIC
USA University of Arkansas (Fayetteville) March August to October 79 6.5 X
Purdue University (Northwest) 78 6.0 750
University of Illinois (Chicago) 80 6.5 X
University of Nebraska (Kerney) 61 5.5 X
University of Nevada (Las Vegas) 61 6.0 650
Finland Tampere University (applicable only to pruning, engineering, nature, and management) 61 6.0 700
Sweden University of Skovde 72 6.0 800
France EAC University (Cultural industry, international, business only) 61 6.0 785
Germany Zwickau University of Applied Sciences 71 6.0 800
Macromedia University 72 6.0 785
Czech Republic Thomas Bata 72 6.0 785
Thailand Tamashad University March August to October Varies by department
Malaysia Malaya University 80(BA) 6.0(BA) X
61(others) 5.5(others) 800(others)
Taiwan Taiwan National University of Economics 71 5.5 X
Vietnam Tuong Mai University 61 - 600
Hongbang International University 61 5.5 700

※ Language requirements for universities taking Chinese and Japanese classes (qualification for application may change)

Country Name of Dispatch University Admission Dispatch TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC Others
China All April September X HSK(can be applied without it)
Japan Shinshu University September to October April of the following year X JLPT 4급
Bunkyo University X JLPT 2급
Shiga Prefectural University X JLPT 4급
Niigata University
(Department of Humanities)
Shimane University March October X JLPT 3급

3. Selection Process

Document submission and document screening

- Recruitment is held in March, April, and September every year according to the selection schedule for each university
- March: USA, Europe and Asia, April: China, September: Japan

interview screening

- Examination by two professors
- Korean/foreign language interview


- Announcement on the website within 1 week after interview screening

Additional documents submission

- Application form of partner school, original language transcript, MMR inoculation document, etc.

4. Contact

Visit Naver Cafe

https://cafe.naver.com/kwexchange (with reviews and dispatch information from senior exchange students)

Contact the Office International Affairs

① Phone : 940-5014~5
② Office : Cultural Museum No. 111 (weekdays: 9:00 to 17:30)